31 | 07 | 2009

Both of our iPhone Apps are online


Both of our iPhone Apps – Bugs&Spiders and NABU-Vogelführer are finally available on the iTunes App Store.

NABU-Vogelführer already got an excellent feedback from client and users. Users are describing it as “intuitive and easy to use” and “must-have for nature enthusiasts and hobby ornithologists”.

Within the first days NABU-Vogelführer made it into TOP10 among all other free applications in the German App Store. The highest rank so far was on 26th and 27th of July when it reached 7th place. In the first week there were more than 20,000 downloads.

We would like to thank everybody who have downloaded or bought our applications! We are especially grateful for all people who have taken the time to rate and review.

  Comments (0)  Kristaps   Alphablind Studio
12 | 07 | 2009

Fliegende Maus


Eine kleine Webspielerei zur European Bat Night und einer dazu passenden Aktion vom Nabu. Für einen Probeflug einfach mal anklicken. Die Fledermaus ist mit C4D entstanden, der Rest ist Javascript.

Und hier beim Nabu soll sie dann bald mal fliegen :-).