23 | 04 | 2010
CUSTOM HORROR: Monster Museum FREE version is now available on the App Store. Every day David Liwoch creates a new monster that will be delivered to Monster Museum on your iPhone or iPod touch. Simply refresh the first image (with golden frame) and get a new monster suprise! In addition you can watch screen-casts of how some of the monsters have been created.

Visit CustomHorror.net to download daily monster as EPS file. All the mosters are FREE for personal use! Enjoy!
20 | 04 | 2010
Unser Hundeführer iKnow Dogs schlägt sich recht anständig kann man sagen. Hier also ein paar Erfolgsmeldungen:
#1 TOP PAID APP in Education category in the US and Canada! (13.04-20.04.2010)
Featured by Apple Inc. in “New and Noteworthy“, “What’s Hot” and “Staff Favorites” on App Stores worldwide (United States, Canada, South-Korea, Mexico, Brazil, South-Africa, Qatar, Costa Rica, Germany, Austria, Israel, Peru, Egypt, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Venezuela)!

Im Moment arbeiten wir gerade an einem Update. Das wird auf jeden Fall eine deutsche Übersetzung enthalten und viele neue Fotos. Mehr dazu schon sehr bald… (In Englisch: We are currently working on the next update! The next update will include german language version and tons of fresh photos!)
Sorry für den Sprachsalat aber das ist zur Zeit die Welt in der wir leben
Flag icons from IconDrawer / Dalmatian photo: Photos8.com
13 | 04 | 2010
Today iKnow Dogs iPhone app was published in “New and Noteworthy” category on Apple iTunes Stores!

iKnow Dogs is currently “New and Noteworthy” on iTunes Stores in United States, Canada, Mexico and South Africa.
Thank You for downloading iKnow Dogs! We are already working on updates and and extra features in order to make iKnow Dogs even better!
Don’t forget to visit iKnowDogs.net website to submit pictures of your favourite dog.
Flag icons from IconDrawer
13 | 04 | 2010
Unfortunately one fellow Monster didn’t make it to Free version of CUSTOM HORROR: Monster Museum. It looks like we have to leave Essem out of our colorful iPhone monster gang. She is still available on the web and will remain naked!

Apple Review Team wrote in their feedback e-mail…
“…content may be considered obscene, pornographic, or defamatory.”
CUSTOM HORROR: Monster Museum full version is still available on the App Store
Custom Horror Website
With CUSTOM HORROR you get monster suprise every day!
12 | 04 | 2010
Ein paar frühe Entwürfe für eine Figur in einem iPhone Spiel die in der letzten Feedbackrunde zu Grabe getragen wurden. Vorerst also keine Fellbälle bei uns…