14 | 05 | 2009
Our showreel is soon to be finished. Since it’s our very first showreel, ideas and concepts around it are constantly evolving. Title graphics that started out as stop motion animation with crayons and modelling clay, developed into filmjunk title full of dirt, dust, burns and flicker.
Initial inspiration from analog world – paint, splatter, paper and cloth textures, crayons, filmreels, 16mm camera etc.

…and captured frames from the final comp:

Full version of the title graphics together with Showreel is to be published soon!
13 | 05 | 2009
Wir bauen zur Zeit an einem kleinen Spiel fürs iPhone. Hier ein paar Entwürfe der “Monster” :-).

Unschwer zu erkennen, handelt es sich um ein Käfer-Szenario. Bald mehr dazu…
06 | 05 | 2009
Already while ago I was conducting a little research on the effectiveness of video and moving images in general. In the process I came across studies that showed people remember merely 20% of what they hear, and only 30% of what they see, and an incredible 70% what they hear and see. With this in mind, it’s no wonder why video is such a powerful communications tool.
That said, it appears that also Google loves video.
“A video is 50 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results than any other content. It is therefore imperative for every product, brand, and marketing campaign to have a social video element.”
Dr. Silvia Pfeiffer, Vquence’s CEO and former CSIRO research scientist
via Examiner.com
Moving image is the King!