08 | 10 | 2010

NABU announced “Bird of the Year 2011″ and it’s Common Redstart.
We created a fun Flash game for NABU where Super-Gero travels to Africa. On the way it meets many friends and enemies. You have to be fast to make it all the way to Africa.
Das Spiel zum Vogel des Jahres 2011 (Play the game Online)
24 | 09 | 2010

iKnow Cats (available on the App Store) is currently featured as “New and Noteworthy” in the US, Canada, Brazil and many other countries!

iKnow Cats is a stylish and easy-to-use CAT BREED IDENTIFICATION GUIDE with an integrated QUIZ GAME. Read interesting information and facts about all official cat breeds by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) and learn about many other fascinating breeds; browse more than 300 pictures of cats and kittens; find the perfect cat for you and your family!
More info under iKnowCats.net and in our Portfolio.
P.S. Jeremy Horwitz from iLounge.com published a review of iKnow Cats in his latest article.
10 | 09 | 2010

iKnow Dogs HD+ is currently featured as “New and Noteworthy” on the AppStores in United States, Canada and many other countries.
Thank You for downloading iKnow Dogs! We are already working on updates, extra features and other big suprises that you will hear about pretty soon!
Don’t forget to visit iKnowDogs.net website to submit pictures of your favourite dog.

20 | 07 | 2010

Unweit unseres Büros hat es heute gebrannt…da haben wir die örtliche Presse gleich mal mit ein paar Bildern aus unserem Bürofenster versorgt.
Hier der Link zu dem Artikel. Lang isser nicht…..
04 | 07 | 2010

Um genauer zu sein, sind wir das schon…und auch nicht nur das. Seit dem 21.06.2010 befindet sich der neue Firmensitz von Alphablind in unserer schönen Hauptstadt Berlin. Wir haben viel Platz gewonnen und sind uns sicher von hier noch besser und kreativer arbeiten zu können. Unsere neue Adresse und Telefonnummer findet sich hier.